Our History
When I was in graduate school at Yale University, my advisor was the late Zeb White, who had been in consulting forestry in Arkansas for over 20 years. Zeb advised me that he knew of no better place in the South for a consulting forestry business than Magnolia, Arkansas. I kept this in mind as I finished at Yale and this became my goal as soon as I started my career in forestry.
After working for major timber companies for seven years to gain field experience, we were living in Farmerville, Louisiana, when an unusual opportunity presented itself. One of my friends was an attorney and he told me one day that one of his clients, an elderly lady, wanted me to manage her timberlands, which amounted to about 5,000 acres. I had never heard of the lady, but upon visiting with her, I discovered that she and my Dad had grown up together in south Arkansas. Needless to say, this was just what I needed to start my own business. We continue to manage this estate and are now working with the third generation of owners.
Neill Forestry Consultants was founded on honesty and integrity and I have instilled these two very important values in all of our employees. We have never wanted for work and our business continues to grow and prosper each year. God has been very good to us and I believe He will continue to be as long as we adhere to His principles.